---------------------------------------------------------- Ultralight-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sun 04/23/06: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 02:23 AM - Wing ASTM (Rob Stapleton) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 02:23:02 AM PST US From: "Rob Stapleton" Subject: Ultralight-List: Wing ASTM --> Ultralight-List message posted by: "Rob Stapleton" Have any of the weight shift trikes had the wings certified together with the trike for a Sport Pilot certification? And if so which? This is not something that we hear much about, and I am wondering if a wing is certified, why can't the trike under it be certified under ELSA? For example Antares is a sound trike that has been certified under Microlight status in Germany, and so have the Aeros wings. But the trikes are lacking a manual and certification, so why can a wing carry the certification, much as it does the lift, and the weight? RS Rob Stapleton Photojournalist Anchorage Alaska 907-336-9425