---------------------------------------------------------- XDP4000X-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sun 07/20/03: 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 08:15 AM - XDP-4000x wanted (Pete) 2. 12:26 PM - CDx-C90 XDP-4000x XM-7557 (Scott Thibault) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 08:15:19 AM PST US From: "Pete" Subject: XDP4000X-List: XDP-4000x wanted --> XDP4000X-List message posted by: "Pete" If anyone is selling the xdp-4000x in good condition please e-mail me as I am looking for one. Thanks, Pete ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 12:26:33 PM PST US From: Scott Thibault Subject: XDP4000X-List: CDx-C90 XDP-4000x XM-7557 --> XDP4000X-List message posted by: Scott Thibault Sir/Madam, I recently got my CDX-C90 deck for my XDP-4000x (neither of which have been installed yet). I am wondering If there is anything I need to know before leeping into this project. I will be running the Sony XM-7557 amp with the combo and was wondering if I should purchase a another smaller amp to run my tweeters that way I dont have to run another crossover for my mids a tweets. I have the same amp that was in that Ferrari that some one posted the link to on this forum. my vision for my system was to add the XAV-7w as a slave so I could add dvd. that and I also wanted to add the caddillac night vision and a rear camera so I could remove the rear view mirror on the windsheild to give it a cleaner look. But upon talking to Roland (great guy lots of info thanks!) I found out that the XAV-7W can not be slaved to the C90 (man that sucks kills the whole Idea). he said what I need to look for is the XT-U400V, XT-U500V which I can not find anywhere. That and the only stereo shop that sells sony stuff that has experiance with the ES mobile line is of no help at all. Does anyone know where I can get a defective or damaged XAV-7W really need working is the motors to make the display come out. I might be able to get the rest from there. I noticed that a couple of people have the Phatbox. I was wondering if it supports DVD?? this would save me a lot of money on a DVD and CD changer. if it does not does anyone have any inside info on when it might?? I think the concept is really cool for the unit why they choose to not add DVD to it is beyond me. Since everybody is moving to stored media anyway why not they would have a hugh market share. I mean really look at how expensive the sony DVD changer is. The phatbox is way more versitile. supports way more formats and can adapt to the market through software upgrades unlike the C90 and MP3. I guess that is enough for my first post --Scott ---------------------------------