---------------------------------------------------------- Zenith-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Mon 09/08/03: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 09:46 PM - Rudder position in an XL (Bill Howerton) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 09:46:51 PM PST US From: "Bill Howerton" Subject: Zenith-List: Rudder position in an XL --> Zenith-List message posted by: "Bill Howerton" As I round the corner in my fuselage building, I noticed that in the next section of the plans I am to decide on the position of the rudder pedals. This is of course without the aid of an available set of adjustable XL seat and pedals to measure against. Talk about having to take shots in the dark! I've searched the archives to little avail, so I'm asking for your inputs where you guys set yours at. I noticed that this question has been asked before, but no one seems to have gotten a coherent answer. Perhaps ZAC and company might consider putting a simple chart on their website According to the plans (6-B-9 and instructions 6-B-8 page 1), they can be set from 245 to 200 mm from the front of the cabin floor skin and the firewall. I'm a fairly short man - 5'8" with a 31 inch inseam. Normally when I fly in a 172, I have to push the seat almost all the way forward, and crank it up to it's highest position to be able to comfortabley manipulate the pedals and to allow me to see over the cowling. Is there anyone else in that size range? what did you set your rudder pedal position to? Bill Howerton 601 XL - Corvair Tail done; Just started the motor rebuild; fuselage in progress