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XPD-4K + C90 with PAC Unilink Aux Input Adaptor - A bit Squi

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:03 pm    Post subject: XPD-4K + C90 with PAC Unilink Aux Input Adaptor - A bit Squi Reply with quote

Thanks for the reply, Roland.

These issues happen with or without the XA-C30 in the loop. The PAC Unilink adaptor gets any needed power via Bus Power (no other connections - just a Unilink Plug, 6" of Wire, and a tiny box at the end with the emulation electronics in it). I don't think this has any kind of "Firmware" perse, and I doubt PAC has any interest in developing this product for a 10 year old C90 head unit... FYI - the C90 simply reads "CD2" and indicates "Track 0" and the Time display stays at "00:00:00".

My grounds are all good as gold (I use Star Grounding of all audio grounds including C90 and XDP), and there are no other Unilink devices in the chain (C90 > XDP > PAC Unilink).

I eliminated the iPod's induced noise by adding a toggle switch to the iPod's +12 feed. So now, I when I'm listening, I play off the iPod's battery, and I charge the iPod when I'm away from the truck or when I take it inside to sync it.

Overall, it sounds great, but the PAC Bugs are really annoying (it even happens if I power down with the iPod selected - it is 100% spouraddic). I have tried feverishly to get a hold of the Connects-2-Audio version of the iPod Adaptor (the one that still lets you use the iPod's Click Wheel), but they seem impossible to find in the USA, and the UK Distributor won't ship to the USA...

Anyway, this will probably end up being a blessing in discuise, as this will likely accelerate my dive into doing a Car PC with an RME Audio Interface (RME Multiface 8-Channel Analog Outs) and eliminating the C90/XDP/iPod altogether (that has been my end goal TBH - the C90 and XDP will go into my secondary ride)

The other system upgrades are going very well. I swapped to a JL 450/4 on Front Stage (Bi-Amped), a Rockford T20001BD on Subs, and I'm building ANOTHER new sub box, as well as doing new door panels and a-pilars for my front stage. Oodels of fun (and TONS of Fiberglass/Bondo). I also got my 200Amp Altwernator, so I still have a lot ahead of me...

Rock and roll

Randy V

On 7/26/07, Roland M <mdx400(at) (mdx400(at)> wrote:
--> XDP4000X-List message posted by: "Roland M" <mdx400(at) (mdx400(at)>

From: "Randy Visentine" <randyman(at) (randyman(at)>
Reply-To: xdp4000x-list(at) (xdp4000x-list(at)
To: xdp4000x-list(at) (xdp4000x-list(at)
Subject: XPD-4K + C90 with PAC Unilink Aux Input Adaptor - A
bit Squirrely???
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2007 05:09:53 -0500

Even when the iPod is selected on power-up, the C90 still does a quick
power-down/reboot as it re-detects the PAC Unilink Adaptor (but it works
fine after that).

Unfortunately the whole issue just sounds like a compatibility issue with

the adapter. Though UniLink is a "standard" there are a lot of variances
and hooking up non-standard (and sometimes even standard) gear you can get
bus reset problems. Myself I have two devices on my bus that aren't really
completely Sony standard. One is the MDX-400 which was not officially
intended to be used as a slave, and the other is a Connects2 Sony-Sony
Network Walkman-UniLink integration adapter. At times I'll get random bus
resets (because of the MDX-400) but they don't happen enough to be that
annoying. From the Connects2 adapter sometimes text from the Network
Walkman freezes or stops working until you manually change tracks; also a
few times the adapter has just failed to show up on the changer list and
unplugging it and plugging it back in is the only solution (short of a reset
from the HU).

Of course your problem sounds far more severe unfortunately, which means you
should probably either return the device you're using or try to get the
manufacturer to sort it out with a updated device or firmware update. Since
aftermarket companies don't necessarily have all the information about the
UniLink protocol available like Sony does, aftermarket accessories can have
their problems when used with certain combinations of UniLink devices.
Furthermore even Sony has made their own compatibility problems in rare
cases I believe. For the most part UniLink works pretty well whatever you
connect, but there are quirks Sad

Once the C90 "Freezes Up" (from powering-up with the C90's internal CD or
AM/FM Tuner selected), I am able to do a "Reset" from the C90's front-panel
"Reset" button, and it works fine after that (until I power off again with
anything other than the iPod selected). But this entails resetting the
C90's Clock and the Display angle every time this happens (but this is MUCH
easier than removing my passenger seat to un-plug the PAC Unilink Adaptor
from the XDP!). So the iPod works, but it is buggy to say the least...

PS - This also happens when I use my XA-C30 3-Input Unilink box into the
XDP-4k (happens with or w/o the XA-C30). Also happens with and without a
Sony 848x CD-Changer connected to the XA-C30.

Now that^should not be happening. You could have something as easily
overlooked as a ground loop or power line noise that is causing the bus
resets to occur. So you might want to sniff those out if possible. Even if
a ground loop doesn't cause any audible problems (like power on/off pops or
alternator noise), you could still have one occuring between UniLink
components that is causing the problem. Since the XA-C30 has it's own power
connection this could be a possible source of the problem. Also for UniLink
components that have no power connection, you could actually try grounding a
screw on the metal chassis (if applicable) of suspect UniLink components, to
a ground point on the vehicle to see if you get any improvement.

Does anyone make a different Unilink Input Adaptor that does not cause this
behavior with an XDP-4k + C90?
Really, you shouldn't be getting that behaviour, particularly not with an

XA-C30... I have a feeling it's less the adapter's fault and perhaps the
problem lies elsewhere.

Or is there anything else I can do to
use the Analog RCA Changer input on the XDP-4k? (PS - I need the
C90's AM/FM Tuner, so I need the XDP's "Master" RCA Input for that

You could use the changer trick but you'd need a "ghost" changer just
playing a CD on repeat telling the XDP to input audio from that input and
then you instead connect it to what you need to input, instead of the
changer's audio output.
Making my own Unilink adaptor is not out of the question
(I have extra Unilink Cables and descent soldering/circuitry skills), but
I'd need a schematic (and I assume it would be a better design than the PAC
Unilink adaptor I already have?).
It might not be out of the question but many have tried and the results have

never been all that great. If you're really looking to homebrew it you
should check out the GNUNILINK project, if it still exists, anyway...

I have seen the Unilink-to-iPod "Control" type adaptors, but everything I
have read indicates those "lock out" the iPod's front-panel controls, and
force you to use the Sony Head-Unit's controls and display to navigate the
iPod (and we all know you can't read the C90's display before 8PM if your
life depended on it), so I'd prefer to control the iPod from the iPod's
front-panel click-wheel (this rules out the Unilink-to-iPod "Control" type
interfaces IIRC). Is this correct?

Yes it is correct. This is a limitation that is part of the design of the
iPod. There are two remote modes available for the iPod. Simple and Full.
Full remote mode is required for text/track data/time transfer but using
full remote mode disables the iPod's main unit controls. Simple remote mode
on the other hand can interface the iPod for simple things like track
up/down, play, pause, etc. but in this mode data cannot be transferred from
the iPod to the controlling device; however in simple remote mode the iPod's
controls and display remain active. So it's either/or, you can't have both.

I also have a CDX-805 and a CDX-848x 10-Disc Unilink Changer I'd be willing
to bastardize for this project, but other means are preferred before I kill
a perfectly fine Unilink CD Changer (and I'd need specific instructions
before I attempt this)...

Why kill one of them??? Just set the changer to analog, put any CD you
don't need in there and put it on repeat all... Instead of connecting the
changer line audio output to the XDP, just connect the iPod's line-level
output and there you go--that's the "changer trick" in a nutshell.

One more Q concerning the iPod - I bought an "iPod Dock Cable" that has RCA
Outs and connections for +12V for charging the iPod's battery. The
over a 1/8" Headphone Cable are that it bypasses the iPod's Headphone
Amplifier Stage, and provides a true Fixed Level "Line Out" (volume
independent), plus facilities for charging the iPod from the Vehicle's
electrical system. The drawback is I get odd noise from the iPod when it
charging (ground loops / differences in ground potential causing noise to
get carried over the audio shields).

Though it may just be a poorly designed/cheaply made adapter, I'm thinking
from this that you may actually have a ground loop problem somewhere else in
the system that is causing all these anomolies to occur, as I mentioned
above. I would definitely be sure you don't have one before condemning

Randy V.
Houston, TX
Audio-Dude/Musician/Crazy Guy [quote][b]

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