A YAK in the Park - Page 3

  • The Rear Cockpit

    The rear cockpit has a nice group of instruments which includes the DG, artificial horizon, and marker lights. Airspeed is in the upper left corner. Climb out is at 100 knots, aileron rolls at about 140.

    Rear Cockpit of the CJ-6A

  • Rear Seat Controls

    Everything you need is here. In the lower center are the engine controls. The prop control is on the left, throttle in the middle, and mixture (yes, the BLUE knob is the mixture) is on the right. Another interesting fact about that mixture control is that it works backward - forward is lean, back is rich. Why, you ask? Who knows. Above that is a control with a yellow and red knob. This is the emergency firewall fuel cutoff. Handy if you forget how the mixture control works, I guess... Above that is a round black instrument-like thing with a red lever-knob on it. That's the mag switch. The labels read "1+2", "2", "1", and "0". The labels mean pretty much what you'd think, except from the back seat where "1+2" means the front pilot's control actually does the switching. Guess it's better than a Chinese symbol I couldn't read... In the upper left is the rear trim tab wheel. Works great, but that tiny cable kind of worries me. This would seem like an excellent application for a MAC Trim Servo and a Matronics Governor MKIII... :-)

    Rear Engine Controls

  • Rear Seat Floor

    Yup, those are the rudder peddles. The bar pivots in the middle, pulling or pushing (in a sense) the cables connected to the rudder. Note the brake lines on the rudder peddle assembly as well as the aforementioned "motorcycle-brake" handle on the control stick.

    Rear Seat Floor and Rudder Pedals

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  • CJ-6A 18 Owner/Pilot: Brian Lloyd - brian@lloyd.com
    List Administrator: Matt Dralle - dralle@matronics.com